Monday, 9 April 2012

Unfinished Topics

Every time I decide to take the GMAT, I start with MGMAT guides. I want to complete the following, but always find that I am not able to complete it. This is because I get interrupted by other stuff. As soon as I take the GMAT, I'm usually mentally exhausted, that I don't feel like looking at GMAT books for a while. But this time, I need to go with the flow and complete the following. Here are the topics that are unfinished.
  1. 4GMAT
  2. LSAT tests
  3. Gmatclub tests
  4. Kaplan tests
  5. Kaplan 800
  6. All of Ron's sessions plus taking notes on quant sessions 
  7. MGMAT SC - Idioms
  8. Quantum CAT

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