Thursday, 12 April 2012

Day 28 - Apr 12

Plan (9 Q, 8 V, 3 sessions with Ron inclusive)
  1. MGMAT NP - Divisibility and Primes - Adv
  2. MGMAT NP - Odds and Evens/Positives and Negatives/Consecutive Integers - Adv
  3. MGMAT NP - Exponents and Roots - Adv
  4. PowerScore CR - Strengthen and Assumption Questions
  5. PowerScore CR - Resolve the Paradox Questions
  6. OG PS and DS - Rates and Work  - 36 qns
  7. OG PS and DS - Ratios - 21 qns
  8. OG CR - Strengthen - 26 qns
  9. Ron's Session on CR - Boldface questions
  10. LSAT 14 - 50 qns, Review LSAT 13 errors
  11. MGMAT questions on Advanced FDPs, Combinatorics, Probability
  12. MGMAT questions on Overlapping Sets, Minor Problem Types


  1. Hi MBA Dreamz,

    Congratulation for Clear-admit BOB Nomination!Stay in touch!

    We are sailing in the same boat. Will reply to the mail with relevant data as promised, just give me some time.

    All the best for the GMAT.

    1. Hi Sanket,

      Thanks for dropping by. Congrats on your BOB admit too!


    2. Let me know your GMAT score?? all the best!
